Tuesday, June 28, 2016


So the other day I was talking to someone about its job and the fact that he is taking everything too personal, when he should think of it like just a job. I was telling him to stop stressing about what his boss is telling him or about how much work he has. He should just do the best he can, and when his work hours are done, he should leave his job and all problem there. Not to bring it home. Because, like I said, it is just business, nothing personal.

Then I was thinking about it and it crossed my mind that the same advice I gave to him, we can all use in life too. Not just for work, but for everything that comes in our way.
I mean think about it. Everything good and bad that happens, it is just life. Bad things happen to us so that we can appreciate them when they are good. Evil wouldn't exist without good, and the other way around. How can we enjoy a good laugh if we don't know how does it feel to be sad and cry? Everything in this world needs balance. Did you ever see a good person that is going trough something bad and you thought to yourself: "That is so not fair, he/she is good person and he/she doesn't deserve it!"
Life is not fair and it is not supposed to be fair. It is messy and complicated, but it is also fun, beautiful and it has its moments.
Good and bad things will happen to all of us from time to time, and that has nothing to do with the fact are we a good person or not. It has nothing to do with what we ever did in life and it has nothing to do with karma and punishment. It is just life. Complicated, beautiful, difficult, messy life that needs balance.

What if we could train ourselves, our brain and our emotions in that way. To be objective, to not take things too personal?
What if every day we would tell ourselves: "It's just life, nothing personal!" and in that way we would day by day change our perspective about it.
Don't you think that it would make life and everything that happens to you much easier?
Once I read that life is 10% of what happens to us and 90% of how we react to it.
It is worth to try it at least, right?
Anyway, if we do the best of what we can do each day, that is good enough.

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