Sunday, August 28, 2016


These days you can't open any magazine or page on that matter that doesn't scream of big ass, plastic surgery, too much exercising, diet and other dumb shit that famous people with too much money do because they are not able to accept the simple fact. They are getting old. And no amount of money can change that. They can maybe prolong that, but years will catch up with them, sooner or latter. Nobody ever escapes from years and eventually death.

I don't know where is the problem? I mean wrinkles mean you laughed, gray hair means you cared and scares means you lived. Am not saying that getting old means you give up, don't wash your hair and just sit in sweatpants. You can still dress up, put on some make up, and look nice. And wear the fu*k out of the wrinkles and your years. Point is you get old gracefully. You accept the fact that you lived long enough to learn, to become more wiser. Do they know how lucky they are? More and more young people die, weather it is from being sick or from accidents. Do they know that being old in this time seems to be a privilege?

I mean if you think about it, we were born with a clean, blank canvas. While years are passing by someone gets freckles, stretch marks, scares and all other evidence that we lived. Isn't that the coolest thing ever? Look at you now, look how far you made it. :)
Life is a miracle, and getting old is a good thing. It is a gift. Life gave you time to enjoy in your family and friend company, Maybe you got a chance to get old together with the love of your life or maybe even to see your children and grandchildren grow up. Isn't that something amazing? Isn't that something we all should look forward instead of being afraid?

Besides, being older doesn't means you can't do all crazy dumb things that you did when you were younger, it just means you will do them in slower way. :)

Wear your age gracefully, don't let age wear you. :)

Remember, it is not how old you look, it is how young you feel.

Good luck to us all. ;)

Tuesday, August 2, 2016


My mom always tells me that from every life of every person on this planet you can write a story. And a damn good one. Best selling books.
Because everyone has its own stories to tell.
Everyone has something that broke them, something that lift them up.
Everyone has its big love, huge crash of the same love.
Everyone has its own fights, its own defeats and victory.
Everyone has their own lessons they learned on a hard way.

So while thinking about that, I was wondering one thing.
What sets us apart from one another?
I mean we all have some stories to tell,
people we love, people that love us,
our fights and ups and downs.
Lost loves, missed chances and loved ones that died.
We all have tears and smiles.
Good and bad days.
We all have dream, hope, faith
and we all search that one thing
that will make us happy and calm.
So if everyone has its own stories to tell,
life that can write a book,
what is that one thing that sets apart one
story author from another?

And then it hit me. I knew the answer.
It is the way they carry their stories.
The way they tell it.
There are some people out there that have been trough so much,
that are tired and lost and are fighting
with their last atom of power
but we can't see that on them.
They still smile, they still have time to make others smile
and you know what? They carry their story and not the
other way around. They took everything that happen to them,
accept it and let it make them wiser and stronger.
And you will never hear that author of that life story
telling it in a way that he/she will put him/herself in a victim position.
Because you know what, he/she is not a victim.
Those people are fighters and survivors.
They are heroes of their own story.

So that is the difference.
So one day when you tell your story,
don't forget that you can choose what are
you going to be, hero or victim.
Is your story of life going to be full
of adventures and used chances,
or full of fear and regret.
It is up to all of you to decide,
because you know what.
You are your writer and author
of your own story and your life.
Every day write a good chapter of your book.