Monday, June 6, 2016


I was thinking recently about human life. Life in general. It seems to me that life is like one theater play and each and every one of us has its own role in it. With different scripts but the same director-Destiny.
If you think about it for a second, you will see am kind of right. From day one you were born, your role is that you are someones child. If you are not first born, then you get two roles, like I did. You become someones child and someones brother or sister. So from the start parents are teaching you how to play your roles. Respect parents so that you will play good child role. Take care of brother or sister, because when your parents die one day, you will have each other.

 Then you get little bit older, you make friends and there you go. You just got another role. You are someones friend. Then you fall in love, you enter relationship and you find yourself in one completely different role. You are someones girlfriend or boyfriend and I think that one is much more interesting. Because that role wakes up in us feelings that we didn't know even exist before we fall in love.

And while you are growing up and our roles are adding up. You are someones student, latter you are someones work colleague, maybe one day even someones boss. Then if we are lucky, we find that person we want to spend our life with. From someones girlfriend or boyfriend we become someones wife or husband. Latter maybe even someones parents, and that role is the most difficult one, but brings so much pleasure.
But there is not the end, list of roles trough life is huge, like someones son in law, brother in law, mother in law, father-in-law, somebody's grandparents, mistress, lover and so on and so on. List is endless. I just mentioned basic roles.

I guess what I was trying to say, for all you guys there who lost someone, who lost one role in their life, just hold on tight to all other roles you've got. And let them help you and you will live trough it. That is why God and Destiny gave us so much roles to play, to make it easier in life when we lose one. Because like in theater, so in life-The show must go on. Life goes on.
Just hold on folks. :)

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