Thursday, April 28, 2016


I was thinking about life in general. About choices we make every day. About paths we never took, and the ones we do choose. What makes us go left instead of the right? What makes us go back instead of moving forward or the other way around?
I was thinking about all those plans we make and never lived to see them becoming reality, about the things we didn't think it is possible to happen, but they happened anyway.
I heard from someone that every choice that we make, even small one like where will we go to take our coffee, every single choice we make in day leads us to our destiny.
So by that definition, every mistake is really not a mistake. It is just some lesson we need to learn so that we can go one step forward. I know that life is full of ups and downs, but if every one of us has its own path and destiny, so in that sense we can't make a mistake, can we?
We can't make wrong choice, because they are no wrong choices. We call it mistake and wrong decision because it didn't worked out like we wanted it to work.

But just because it didn't go as we wanted it doesn't mean it didn't turn out exactly like it was supposed to.
I know it is in a human nature to worry. To think like five steps ahead, but what if we would just live in the moment? Because in this moment right now, we make our future.
Every decision we make this day, in these moments will shape our future and shape us as a person.
What if we don't have to know what will happen five mounts from now or even tomorrow?
What if we don't have to know where will we be, or what will we be doing or with whom?
What if all we have is right here and right now? This moment. This day. Because we never know what can happen tomorrow, and we don't have to. Because tomorrow will take care of itself when time comes.
What if we would just breath, be in this moment and take a leap of faith?
What if we would just trust our journey even thought we sometimes don't understand it?
What if we would just trust ourselves? That we made it trough so far, and we can make it trough
what ever is coming next.
What if we would just stop worrying about things that didn't even happen yet?
What if we would just let our life happen to us?

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