Saturday, April 16, 2016


I always loved the night. Even when I was a little kid. I would sneak out of my bed really quite so that I don't wake up my mom, and I would go to balcony so that I could look at the stars and look the city from above. There is some mystical energy I always feel at night. Mixture of romance, sky full of stars and silence that gives me inspiration. It is like finally, at night, when the whole town seems to be sleeping, I can hear my thoughts, I could breathe fresh air, no stress, noise, just me, night sky and serenity.

Did you ever notice that if you are looking at your city from above, how it looks peaceful? Of course, everything that you look from above, from some distance looks different. Every situation in life that you distance yourself from, objectively looks different. It is the same for a city too. From a distance it looks peaceful, it looks magical with that lights burning inside of every building and street. But when you go inside, in the center of that same town, you realize that you liked it better from distance. And even though I didn't meant for this last sentence to be like metaphor, but it could serve as one for life anyway. I could use it too. I guess the only way to look clearly at any given situation in life, is to distance yourself from it, try to look objectively at it. Like what advice you would give your friend in that same situation if he asked you for opinion.
Anyway, I read one research in the journal Psychology Today that smart people stay awake late at night. It has something to do with wanting to make our own way and not to just blindly follow the rules that society put in front of us. All of those dreams and thoughts that people can't have during the day because of the distractions, work, people around them and obligations, they wait for the night to come. During the night, we can explore our mind, our thoughts and ideas. The night is made for testing our limits.
Like Stephanie Meyer said: "I like the night. Without the dark, we would never see the stars."

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