Sunday, April 3, 2016


So yesterday something amazing happen. For the first time, I was a wingman for my friend. We went out and after few drinks, we were just joking around about a fact that he really has no luck with picking up women. I have no idea what a hell does he say to them, but the result is the same, either they give him just Facebook profile, they text few times with him but they never go out, or they tell him that they already have a boyfriend. And maybe few of them actually have a boyfriend, but what are the odds that in like 10 women he talks with, 8 of them are in a relationship, those two just text trough Facebook but with no luck in further contact.
And really he is not ugly. He is nice and handsome, he has nice job, so basically he has everything that most of women want so in that term he is suitable candidate for a girl to give him a number and go out with him, but for some reason, that never works.
So I asked him what a hell does he do to them, because I don't really get it. Maybe it is in something he says or do, I don't know. And he says to me that he is doing everything right. He approaches girl, he gives some compliment and then after some chat he asks if he can meet her tomorrow or some other day when she can to go on some coffee and to get to know her better, and that is far as he goes.
And we started to joke a little and I ask him like: "Ok then, tell me what do you look in women, in a physical sense and we'll see what can we do for you tonight."
So he said like she needs to be good looking, but he really doesn't have any special demands. So I looked around us in a bar and I saw few good looking women and just for fun, I was picking him some girls and whom ever I choose, he needs to go and talk to them. Because I wanted to see him in action so that I can figure it out. So he did that. I found like 5 girls for him, but for some reason, he didn't manage to score with any of them. And while he was there talking to them, I was looking at his body language and I was like: "Ohhhh, now I get it!"
I found a reason why he doesn't score with women. So, he approached to them, but I saw in his body language that he wasn't confidant enough. The way he moved, he talked to them, the way his shoulders were pull down it was all like he expected that they will reject him, but like he will give it a try anyway. Even I could sense his fear. And one thing that guys never understand is that we girls are like dogs when it comes to sensing confidence and believe me, you can be good looking and fill every social form, but if you are not confident in yourself, you won't make it. Because confidence comes with a charm, and if you have no charm when you are talking with a girl, it will all go to hell. Of course, they are exceptions for every rule, but in general, that is how we roll.
It's not all in looks and money guys, there is something in charm as well.
Good luck to you all out there. We are rough crowd to deal with, but in the end, every one of us is worth it. :)
As far as for my friend goes, I will have a lot of work with him. But yesterday it had no point to tell him that. He suffered enough for one night. Baby steps I guess. :)

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